
pokój 309 (ul. Wojska Polskiego 121, piętro III, pawilon A)

+48 42 254 74 03

mgr Magdalena Maciaszczyk | specjalista ds. wymiany międzyinstytucjonalnej

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  • miniatura
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Mittelmoda Fashion Award is an international competition addressed to fashion designers and fashion design students of Art & Design colleges from all over the world.
The winners get a capsule fashion show on Mittelmoda’s catwalk and they are awarded with one of the many cash prizes (two main awards: €10.000 and €5.000). There are no registration fees.

The competition is open to all students between the ages of 22 and 30 who have:

  • completed their studies in fashion design/model design/management and economy in the acad (emic year 2024/2025
  • completed (or are going to complete) their studies in the academic year 2025/2026
  • completed their studies in technical-professional post diploma courses in fashion design and/or model design in the academic year 2024/2025
  • completed (or are going to complete) their studies in technical-professional post diploma courses in the academic year 2025/2026

Learn more from the website of the event:

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