


pokój 309 (ul. Wojska Polskiego 121, piętro III, pawilon A)

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mgr Magdalena Maciaszczyk | specjalista ds. wymiany międzyinstytucjonalnej

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  • miniatura
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On behalf of the Board of Trustees of the Guasch Coranty Foundation, a non-profit unit linked to the University of Barcelona, we share the terms and conditions of the International Painting Prize that the Foundation organises every five years.

The Guasch Coranty Foundation's funds and activities are aimed at the technical and stylistic development of students and young artists. With the creation of the International Painting Prize, it aims not only to promote the exchange of discourses and techniques, but also to offer the opportunity to exhibit collectively in a renowned exhibition space in the city of Barcelona, the selection of the 35 finalists who will compete for the prizes.

From the 35 finalists the renowned jury will assign three prizes: a first prize of €25,000, and a second and third prize of €8,000 each, together with a free three-month residency in the workshops of the Piramidón Art Centre (Barcelona).

Although the prize was conceived in relation to painting, the organizers understand any project with a flat support, which, as the rules state, does not exceed two metres, as a piece that can be valued as the result of the expansion of pictorial language. The two conditions for participation are:

  • to be up to 40 years of age at the time of sending the application,
  • to have a degree in Fine Arts.

For competition rules click here

For application form click here

Any questions concerning the event should be directed to Fundació Guasch Coranty: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Board of Trustees of the Guasch Coranty Foundation

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